Tolling Agreement Time

Tolling Agreement Time: Understanding the Basics

A tolling agreement is a contract between two parties that suspends the statute of limitations for a specific period. By doing so, the parties involved can have more time to negotiate and litigate without the risk of their case being dismissed due to time constraints.

In industries such as construction, energy, and manufacturing, tolling agreements are commonly used to extend the time limit for claims. Tolling agreement time is a valuable tool for businesses facing disputes that require a longer amount of time to resolve.

The Benefits of Tolling Agreement Time

One of the primary benefits of a tolling agreement is that it gives the parties involved more time to negotiate and potentially reach a settlement outside of court. This can be especially beneficial for parties that want to avoid the time, expense, and uncertainty of litigation.

Tolling agreement time can also be beneficial for parties that need additional time to gather evidence, conduct investigations, and assess damages. This can be crucial in cases involving complex technical or financial issues.

Additionally, tolling agreement time can provide a sense of security for parties that are unsure about their legal position. By suspending the statute of limitations, parties can take more time to develop and strengthen their case before proceeding with litigation.

How Tolling Agreement Time Works

Tolling agreement time works by suspending the statute of limitations for a specific period. In the United States, the statute of limitations varies by state and by the type of claim being made. For example, the statute of limitations for a breach of contract claim in California is four years, while the statute of limitations for a personal injury claim is two years.

To create a tolling agreement, both parties must agree to the terms of the agreement, including the length of time the statute of limitations will be suspended. Once the tolling agreement is in place, the clock stops ticking on the statute of limitations until the agreed-upon time period has elapsed. After the tolling agreement time has expired, the statute of limitations begins to run again.


Tolling agreement time is an essential concept for businesses facing disputes that require more time to resolve. By suspending the statute of limitations, parties can negotiate and potentially settle their disputes without the risk of their case being dismissed due to time constraints.

If you are involved in a dispute that requires additional time to resolve, it is essential to understand the benefits of tolling agreement time and how it works. Consider speaking with an experienced attorney to discuss your options and determine if tolling agreement time is right for your case.