Factoring Agreement Template Uk

Factoring Agreement Template UK: What You Need to Know

Factoring is a financing strategy that enables businesses to sell their accounts receivable to a third-party factoring company, also known as a factor. The factor advances a percentage of the invoice value to the business, typically in the range of 70-90%, and takes over the responsibility of collecting the payment from the customer. Once the payment is received, the factor deducts its fees and commissions and remits the remaining amount to the business.

Factoring can be an effective way for businesses to improve their cash flow and manage their working capital. However, it is essential to have a comprehensive factoring agreement in place to govern the relationship between the business and the factor. A factoring agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the arrangement, including the fees, charges, and responsibilities of each party.

In the UK, there are several factoring agreement templates available that businesses can use as a starting point for their contract. These templates are designed to provide a framework for the agreement and can be customized to suit the specific needs of the business and the factor.

Key Components of a Factoring Agreement Template

A typical factoring agreement template in the UK will include the following elements:

1. Parties: The agreement will identify the parties involved, including the business, the factor, and any other relevant entities.

2. Scope: The agreement will define the scope of the factoring arrangement, including the types of invoices that are eligible for factoring, the minimum and maximum amounts that can be advanced, and the duration of the agreement.

3. Fees and Charges: The agreement will outline the fees and charges that the business will be required to pay to the factor, including discount charges, service charges, and other fees.

4. Payment Terms: The agreement will specify the payment terms for the invoices, including the due dates, the frequency of payments, and any penalties for late payments.

5. Collection Procedures: The agreement will describe the procedures for the collection of payments from customers, including the methods of communication, the frequency of follow-up, and any escalation procedures.

6. Termination: The agreement will detail the conditions under which the factoring arrangement can be terminated, including the notice period, the reasons for termination, and any penalties or fees associated with termination.

7. Dispute Resolution: The agreement will provide for the resolution of any disputes that may arise between the parties, including the methods of dispute resolution and the jurisdiction for resolving disputes.


A factoring agreement template is a valuable resource for businesses looking to enter into a factoring arrangement with a third-party factor. However, it is important to note that each business`s circumstances are unique, and it is essential to customize the agreement to reflect the specific needs and requirements of the business. Working with an experienced legal professional and factoring company can help ensure that the factoring agreement is comprehensive, fair, and legally enforceable.